Water has played a significant role in the history of the world. It has been used throughout Scripture and literature with powerful symbolism. In this week’s message, Pastor Caesar talks to us about the one use of water that arguably has had the greatest impact in the world today.
Embrace Grace
We welcome our good friend Pastor Lee Miller from New City Church who shares with us how God’s grace is enough in every situation.
Proverbs Week 5: You Mad Bro?
Proverbs Week 4: All Part Of The Plan
Proverbs Week 3: Why Can't We Be Friends
Proverbs Week 2: In Good Times and Bad
Proverbs Week 1: Meet Ms. Wisdom
A Beginner's Guide To Prayer Week 4: It's A Conversation
Pastor Caesar shares three “R”s for prayer that will help you start, restart, or refresh your prayer life.
A Beginner's Guide To Prayer Week 3: Unanswered Prayers
Are there really prayers that God doesn’t answer? Join us this week as Pastor Caesar shows us that God hears past our words and hears the desires of our hearts.
A Beginner's Guide To Prayer Week 2: Up Out In
In what is perhaps the most famous prayer, The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus models for us how we should pray to our Heavenly Father: UP, OUT, and IN.
A Beginner's Guide To Prayer Week 1: Who Do You Pray To?
In this first message of our series, A Beginner’s Guide To Prayer, Pastor Caesar talks to us about how our understanding of who God is determines everything about how we pray.
At The Movies 2018 Week 6: He's Already Been There
They call it the "comfort zone" because it's comfortable. It's easy to stay. It's hard to step out into the unknown. This week, we close our At The Movie series as Jacob Evangelista reminds us why we can be confident when we're stepping out into the unknown.
At The Movies 2018 Week 5: Turning Point
If you believe that you have made too many mistakes, too many bad decisions, and that you're too far gone for God to accept you, then join us as Jeremy Pulumbarit introduces us to a man whose past should have kept God far, but when he reaches his turning point, we see God was always near.
At The Movies 2018 Week 4: The Mighty Hero Within
We all want to accomplish great things, but for many of us, we feel unqualified or, because of our past, disqualified. This week, Jeffrey Pulumbarit shows us that God sees the hero in us - even if we can't see it ourselves.
At The Movies 2018 Week 3: The Un-Prodigal Son
One of the most well-known stories in the Bible is story of the Prodigal Son. Pastor Caesar talks to us about a part of the story that we may have overlooked, the story of the other son - the Un-Prodigal Son.
At The Movies 2018 Week 2: Open Arms
In this episode, Ken Arceo helps us explore the story of the Prodigal Son and reflects on how this story, which mirrors his story, reminds us of God's story and how he welcomes every one of us with open arms.
At The Movies 2018 Week 1: Building a Foundation for the Next Generation
Movies tell great stories. Stories that make us laugh. Stories that make us cry. Stories that we connect with. In our annual summer series, At The Movies, we take some of our favorite movies and use them as jumping off points to explore God's truth. In this message, Pastor Caesar unpacks the idea that we have to build a foundation for the next generation.
Bible Stories You Thought You Knew Week 4: Jonah and the Whale
If you miss part of the story, it can make a huge difference in how you view the people in it. In this message, we take a look at the story of Jonah and see how the part we missed changes how we see God.
Bible Stories You Thought You Knew Week 3: The Three Wise Men
They appear in just about every nativity scene or Christmas card we see, but who were these three wise men? And should they have even been there? Join us for our special Christmas in July weekend as we take a closer look at just who was looking for Jesus...and why.
Bible Stories You Thought You Knew Week 2: Elijah and Jezebel
We've all been disappointed by the people in our lives, but what happens when we are disappointed by God? In this week's message, our guest Pastor Max Souza from Message of Peace Church looks deeper into Elijah's encounter with Jezebel and see why the prophet really ran away.