Twisted [Week 1] Go Ahead And Ask

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The Bible is full of wisdom. People love to quote their favorite verses to encourage and inspire each other—but sometimes, those verses get taken out of context. What happens when the most important message of all gets Twisted?

In our message series, TWISTED, we’ll look at a few of the most misused verses in the Bible. Join us as we learn the context of the verses, what they really mean, and how to find the richness God actually meant to show us through them.

Make Space [Week4 ] The Better Blessing

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Do you have the space in your life to be who God created you to be? In our series, MAKE SPACE, we’ll learn all about making space in our finances so that they don’t restrict our ability to live the lives God is calling us to.

To do that, we need to make room in our minds and hearts to understand how our relationship with money and possessions can affect our ability to be good stewards of God’s gifts.

Make Space [Week 3] - A Wealth of Wisdom

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Do you have the space in your life to be who God created you to be? In our series, MAKE SPACE, we’ll learn all about making space in our finances so that they don’t restrict our ability to live the lives God is calling us to.

To do that, we need to make room in our minds and hearts to understand how our relationship with money and possessions can affect our ability to be good stewards of God’s gifts.

Make Space [Week 2] Joy With More Or Less

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Do you have the space in your life to be who God created you to be? In our series, MAKE SPACE, we’ll learn all about making space in our finances so that they don’t restrict our ability to live the lives God is calling us to.

To do that, we need to make room in our minds and hearts to understand how our relationship with money and possessions can affect our ability to be good stewards of God’s gifts.

Make Space [Week 1] Me, My Stuff, and God

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Do you have the space in your life to be who God created you to be? In our series, MAKE SPACE, we’ll learn all about making space in our finances so that they don’t restrict our ability to live the lives God is calling us to.

To do that, we need to make room in our minds and hearts to understand how our relationship with money and possessions can affect our ability to be good stewards of God’s gifts.

Return or Exchange [Week 1] Return or Exchange

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The day after Christmas is one of the busiest shopping days of the year, but the longest lines are the ones where people are bringing many of the gifts they received to return them or exchange them for something else. In our final message of 2019, we’ll talk about why we all have such a strong desire to return gifts we receive and we’ll see why although we’d rather RETURN or EXCHANGE some of the things that 2019 gave us, they might actually be gifts that we should keep and be thankful for.

Arrival [Week 3] It’s Personal

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The Christmas Story is the story of the ARRIVAL of Jesus. But like your story, Jesus’ story is complicated. It’s the story of how Jesus came into the darkness of the world to bring hope to everyone. In our Christmas message series, ARRIVAL, we are reminded that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, not just because or who is WITH us, but because of who is FOR us.

You’re invited to COME and DISCOVER the HOPE that came because of the ARRIVAL we celebrate every Christmas.

Arrival [Week 2] The Toddler King

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The Christmas Story is the story of the ARRIVAL of Jesus. But like your story, Jesus’ story is complicated. It’s the story of how Jesus came into the darkness of the world to bring hope to everyone. In our Christmas message series, ARRIVAL, we are reminded that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, not just because or who is WITH us, but because of who is FOR us.

You’re invited to COME and DISCOVER the HOPE that came because of the ARRIVAL we celebrate every Christmas.

Arrival [Week 1] The Most Wonderful Time

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The Christmas Story is the story of the ARRIVAL of Jesus. But like your story, Jesus’ story is complicated. It’s the story of how Jesus came into the darkness of the world to bring hope to everyone. In our Christmas message series, ARRIVAL, we are reminded that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, not just because or who is WITH us, but because of who is FOR us.

You’re invited to COME and DISCOVER the HOPE that came because of the ARRIVAL we celebrate every Christmas.

What Would Jesus Undo [Week 4] Spiritual Pride

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In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.

In this series, What Would Jesus UNdo, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live out an authentic faith.

What Would Jesus Undo [Week 3] Hypocrisy

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In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.

In this series, What Would Jesus UNdo, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live out an authentic faith.

What Would Jesus Undo [Week 2] Hollow Worship

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In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.

In this series, What Would Jesus UNdo, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live out an authentic faith.

What Would Jesus Undo [Week 1] Spiritual Indifference

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In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.

In this series, What Would Jesus UNdo, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live out an authentic faith.

Prepared [Week 3] Good God?

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We've all been there. Somebody makes a derogatory comment about faith, the Bible, or Christianity. You know you should say something. But what? What do you say when there's little time and even less interest? Well, we’re glad you asked.

In our message series, PREPARED, we’ll talk about how believers can respond quickly and respectfully to any question regarding faith, the Bible, and Christianity.