Welcome to Wonderland Online at Gracepoint Kidz!


Wonderland! is our new Gracepoint Kidz environment designed specifically for children ages 8 years old and younger. Although we had anticipated rolling out Wonderland! at our Weekend Gathering in person, we’re too excited to wait so we are launching Wonderland Online! on Saturday afternoons at 2pm and meets for about an hour.

Wonderland Online! is an interactive experience via Zoom where can will listen, laugh, and learn in a safe and welcoming environment that encourages kindness, models Biblical principles, and introduces kidz to the WONDER of God!

In order to ensure the safety of all of the kidz in Wonderland! please complete the registration form below. Login information will be sent to you by email.

Should you have any questions or need more information, you can CONTACT US HERE.

Privacy Information: This information is being requested for security purposes only. None of your personal information is ever given or sold to any outside persons or groups.