What is the Gracepoint Community Response Network?
In response to the coronavirus pandemic that has reached our community, including the recent “shelter in place” order issued by San Mateo County, Gracepoint Church has activated our Community Response Network. Throughout history, those that have taken the name of Christ have faced times of crisis, not by retreating and hoarding for self-preservation, but by stepping into the chaos to bring others the peace and comfort and hope that can only come from faith and trust in Jesus. This current crisis is no different.
The Gracepoint Community Response Team (CRT) is a network of volunteers that have committed to stepping up and serving our church family, our neighbors, and our community. The Gracepoint CRT connects those that have needs with those that are able to assist with those needs. Given the current situation we are facing, there are two main ways that CRT volunteers can respond.
Volunteer Response: Those with high risk factors for contracting the coronavirus should not be going to grocery stores, pharmacies, or other essential providers. They may need assistance with meal preparation or rides to medical appointments. CRT volunteers step in to provide this help.
Supply Response: As many of us have observed, the fear of the unknown has caused many to hoard food and supplies. Toilet paper is notoriously in short supply, as are other cleaning and hygiene products. Store shelves currently are out of rice, pasta, frozen and canned vegetables, and more. Some of us have needs. Some of us have excess. We want to connect the two.
Do you have a need? You can email us at crt@wearegracepoint.com or text us at 650-260-3460.
How can YOU join the Gracepoint CRT Network?
Whether you are able to provide help or think that you may at some time be in need of help, or you may be both, it’s easy to join the Gracepoint CRT Network. Just fill out the form below: