Our next Weekend Experience is on Saturday, July 12 at 5:00pm

Join us for our message series At The Movies where we use some of this year's biggest movies as a jumping off point to look at life issues we all face.  

Our Weekend Experience is a relaxed, casual atmosphere, so come as you are!  When you step inside, help yourself to a complimentary beverage or snack, then sit back and enjoy our live band and practical messages you can apply to your life today!

We meet at 825 Southwood Drive, South San Francisco.  Do you have kids?  Bring them along!  We created Kidspoint to be a safe and fun environment that they're going to love!  See you then!








In June of 2013, Gracepoint Church was started by a group of people that believe that we have an incredible opportunity to reach the unchurched, uncommitted, and undecided people in the South San Francisco area and help them find and follow Jesus. We are creating a church that people who don't like church want to attend!  A church that is not a building or a religion, but a church that is a community.

South San Francisco and the surrounding area is unique. Situated in between the financial and cultural powerhouse of San Francisco and the technology rich Silicon Valley, we recognize that this community has expectations of high production values and technology integration.

At the same time, we are seeing people that are not homeless, but rather home-little; two to three families sharing one home. Our county food bank, the largest in the country, is seeing annual increases in the number of people seeking assistance.

We want to make it hard for people to go to hell by making it easy for people to go to church. We look at everything we do through that lens. We have an opportunity to make a lasting difference in this community and we are inviting you to partner with us to make that change.



We understand that people have busy schedules and busy lives.

We don’t want church to be another thing that consumes your time. We want Jesus to be the one person that consumes your life! Our approach is simple:



Weekend Experience

The Weekend Experience is our worship service when we meet on the second Saturday of each month during our launch schedule. Once a month, we go all out to create an event where we connect with God, receive transformational teaching, and energy that you will see every weekend experience once we launch in September 2014.



Life Groups & AMP Groups

We believe life change happens in intentional community. Our Life Groups will be our vehicle for encouraging Gracepointers to live life together. AMP Groups are our recreational and service groups. They are open to anyone who would like to join and are often first contact points for people interested in Gracepoint. 



Serving Our Community

We believe that Connecting Compels. As we connect with our community by serving our community, without strings attached or hidden agendas, people will be naturally compelled to want to find out more about us and more about Jesus.